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Shaykh Hammad Mustafa: “We must find and attach ourselves to the pious and righteous  people, to receive Allah’s special blessings.”

Shaykh Hammad Mustafa al-Madani al-Qadri addressed the sixth segment of the webinar series “The Modern Times and Historic Ways”, in which he discussed the topic of “Fiqh al-Qulub”.

Muslims won the Battle of Badr due to faith in Allah: Shaykh-ul-Islam

In a statement, MQI founding-leader Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has said that Gazwa-e-Badr (The Battle of Badr) was a decisive battle between the forces of falsehood and the truth. He... Read More

Ramadan is a month of peace & blessings: Shaykh Hammad Mustafa al-Madani al-Qadri

Shaykh Hammad Mustafa al-Madani al-Qadri addressed an online seminar on the subject of “The holy month of Ramadan as the month of blessing”. He said that Ramadan is a month to seek forgiveness,... Read More

Shaykh ul Islam and Shaykh Hammad Mustafa offer Friday prayers at Jame al-Mustafa

Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri offered Jummah prayers along with Shaykh Hammad Mustafa Al Madni Al Qadri in Ramadan 2023 at Jame Al Mustafa MMCC, Mississauga, Minhaj ul Quran... Read More

Sayyida-e-Kainat Fatima al-Zahra (A.S) is a role model for women: Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri

Sayyida-e-Kainat Sayyida Fatima al-Zahra (salam Allah alayha) is that revered personality whose character, morality and conduct Islam refers to as an ideal to describe women’s respect, chastity,... Read More

Copenhagen: University students visit MQI Center to learn about Ramadan

Minhaj-ul-Quran International Valby, in association with University College Copenhagen, arranged a special visit for 23 last year students of teacher training course who are studying religion and... Read More

al-Nahda magazine is officially launching this Ramadan

al-Nahda magazine is officially launching this Ramadan!. A new Islamic magazine that will discuss contemporary issues affecting Muslims in the 21st century. Al-Nahda aims to Rekindle an Era of Muslim... Read More

Dr. Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri visits MQI Manchester

Chairman Supreme Council Minhaj-ul-Quran International Dr. Hassan Mohiuddin Qadri visited MQI Manchester to see the renovation work currently in progress.

London: Dr. Hassan Mohiuddin Qadri has a working dinner with the MQI London LEC

Dr. Hassan Mohiuddin Qadri (Chairman Supreme Council Minhaj-ul-Quran International) had a working dinner with the MQI London LEC (Local Executive Committee). Syed Ali Abbas Bukhari (President MQI... Read More

Muscat: Prof. Dr. Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri deliveres lecture on importance of knowledge

A special event was arranged in Pakistan School Muscat on the topic of “Muwakhaat: Shaping the youth for the nation for the country”. President Minhaj-ul-Quran International Prof. Dr. Hussain... Read More

Dr. Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri presides over a meeting of MQI UK Executive Council

Chairman Supreme Council Minhaj-ul-Quran International Dr. Hassan Mohiuddin Qadri presided over a meeting of the MQI UK Executive Council. President Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League International Dr.... Read More

Prof. Dr. Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri meets H.E. Shaykh Ahmad bin Hamd al-Khalili, the Grand Mufti of the Sultanate of Oman

Muscat: Prof. Dr. Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri, President Minhaj-ul-Quran International, met H.E. Shaykh Ahmad bin Hamd al-Khalili, the Grand Mufti of the Sultanate of Oman. Dr Hussain Qadri presented... Read More

France: Dr. Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri addresses a Shab-e-Barat gathering

Chairman MQI Supreme Council Dr. Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri addressed a Shab-e-Barat ceremony held under the banner of MQI France. He said that Shab-e-Barat is a night for resort to Allah Almighty, our... Read More